Open Access Information and Policy

Trends in Environmental Sciences is dedicated to promoting the objectives of open research and assisting authors and funders in achieving a high level of openness with their research. All articles published in the journal are made readily accessible worldwide under an open-access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, which provides authors with the most comprehensive rights. In practical terms, this means:

  1. Trends in Environmental Sciences provides free and unrestricted access to the full text of all published articles, ensuring that the research is available to everyone, everywhere.
  2. The reuse of published material is permitted, provided that appropriate accreditation/citation is given to the original publication.
  3. Trends in Environmental Sciences operates with the generous financial support of ACE College for Women, which covers all day-to-day operations of the journal. As a result, authors are not charged any fees to publish their articles as open access.

In short, the open-access format of peer-reviewed literature allows for free and unrestricted access without any subscription or payment requirements. Published materials are immediately accessible and can be reused without special permission, as long as a proper citation to the original publication is given.

Please note that certain reviews or articles published in Trends in Environmental Sciences may include figures, text, or tables sourced from other publications. As we do not hold the copyright or authority to re-license such material, we advise the author(s) to contact the original copyright holder to inquire whether or not it can be reused.

Permissions & Authorization

Articles published in Trends in Environmental Sciences, including their data, graphics, and supplements, can be freely linked from external sources, scanned by search engines, and reused by text mining applications, websites, blogs, etc., as long as proper accreditation of the source and original publication is provided. No special permission is required to reuse all or part of articles published in Trends in Environmental Sciences under an Open Access Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. However, it is important to note that the reuse of an article does not imply endorsement by the respective authors or Trends in Environmental Sciences.

Benefits of Open Access for Authors

Here are some benefits of open access for authors:

  1. Increased Visibility and Impact: Open access makes your work freely available to readers worldwide, increasing the visibility and potential impact of your research. Your work can be easily discovered and accessed by other researchers, practitioners, and the public, leading to more citations, collaborations, and opportunities for further research.
  2. Faster Publication: Open access journals often offer quicker publication times compared to traditional journals, which can take months or even years to publish an article. This enables your work to be disseminated and utilized more rapidly, accelerating scientific progress and maximizing its potential impact.
  3. Greater Control: Open access allows authors to retain greater control over their work, including the rights to reproduce, distribute, and adapt their work. This facilitates more opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and the sharing of knowledge.
  4. Ethical Considerations: Open access aligns with ethical considerations for research and publication, encompassing the principle of free and open access to knowledge and the promotion of scientific progress. By publishing in open access journals, authors contribute to a more equitable and accessible research landscape.
  5. Compliance with Funder Requirements: Many funding agencies now require that research they fund be made available in open access format. By publishing in open-access journals, authors can ensure compliance with funder requirements and increase the visibility and impact of their work.

Overall, open access offers numerous benefits for authors, ranging from increased visibility and impact to greater control over their work and compliance with funder requirements. By publishing in open-access journals, authors contribute to a more equitable and accessible research landscape while also advancing their own research careers.